Enjoin - significado y definición. Qué es Enjoin
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Qué (quién) es Enjoin - definición

Injunctive relief; Temporary restraining order; Injunctions; Intervention order; Preliminary injunction; Enjoin; Stay away order; Temporary injunction; Permanent injunction; Writs of injunction; Enjoined; Apprehended Violence Order; Court injunction; Family violence protection order; Enjoining; Apprehended violence order; Civil Stalking Protection Order; Civil Protection Order; Counter-injunction; Counter injunction; Counterinjunction; Counterinjunctions; Counter-injunctions; Counter injunctions; Counterinjunctive; Counter-injunctive; Super-injunction; Superinjunction; Super injunction; Hyperinjunction; Hyper-injunction; Super Injunction; Superinjunctions; Super injunctions; Judicial injunction; Injunctive and declaratory relief; Temporary Restraining Orders; Super-injunctions

(enjoins, enjoining, enjoined)
If you enjoin someone to do something, you order them to do it. If you enjoin an action or attitude, you order people to do it or have it. (FORMAL)
She enjoined me strictly not to tell anyone else...
It is true that Islam enjoins tolerance; there's no doubt about that...
The positive neutrality enjoined on the force has now been overtaken by events.
VERB: V n to-inf, V n, V-ed
If a judge enjoins someone from doing something, they order them not to do it. If a judge enjoins an action, they order people not to do it. (AM FORMAL)
The judge enjoined Varityper from using the ad in any way.
...a preliminary injunction enjoining the practice.
VERB: V n from -ing/n, V n
¦ verb instruct or urge to do something.
?(enjoin someone from) Law prohibit someone from performing (an action) by issuing an injunction.
enjoinment noun
ME: from OFr. enjoindre, from L. injungere 'join, attach, impose'.
v. (formal)
1) (esp. AE) (d; tr.) ('to forbid') to enjoin from
2) (d; tr.) ('to order') to enjoin on (to enjoin a duty on smb.)
3) (H) ('to order') to enjoin smb. to obey the law



An injunction is a legal and equitable remedy in the form of a special court order that compels a party to do or refrain from specific acts. "When a court employs the extraordinary remedy of injunction, it directs the conduct of a party, and does so with the backing of its full coercive powers." A party that fails to comply with an injunction faces criminal or civil penalties, including possible monetary sanctions and even imprisonment. They can also be charged with contempt of court. Counterinjunctions are injunctions that stop or reverse the enforcement of another injunction.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Enjoin
1. that doesn't allow the author to enjoin people
Walkaway & the Collapsing Empire _ Cory Doctorow & John Scalzi _ Talks at Google
2. court would enjoin a Japanese company from doing business in China.
Tools to Confront Devils of All Kinds _ Robert Mnookin _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Enjoin
1. The lawsuit asks the court to enjoin the Bush administration from implementing the law.
2. But isn‘t it interesting that our courts are never clogged with Anglophiles trying to enjoin St.
3. He commands his creatures to enjoin one another to righteousness and virtue, and not to sin and transgression.
4. Attend regularly to prayer, and enjoin the doing of what is right and forbid the doing of what is wrong, and endure with fortitude whatever befalls you.
5. If only the toad would schlep itself even occasionally to Reno, Roberts would gladly enjoin anyone who would molest it.